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What are the Sciatic nerve and its symptoms?

The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the human body and do you want to know where is the sciatica nerve, it is located in the lower back of the leg and the sciatic nerve starts from the point of lower spine where all the collections of the nerves are located in the spines.

The sciatic nerve is dominant nerve where it energizes the lower back and travel to hips and toes. Sciatic stretching can be done for pain relief. There are some sciatic nerves stretches are available where you can do in home, if you have any injuries in the body in the hip part or in the lower back of the leg you can do these stretches to get the pain relief which is more helpful. Sciatica is the type of nerve pain where it irritates your body by sciatic pain and the pain starts from the low back and pain travels to below the knee.

The treatment for the sciatic nerve pain is depends on the causes and symptoms of the pain. The most of the patients have sciatic pain have some resolution based on the muscles relax meditation or exercise or physical therapy treatment and the patients affected more 10% they need to do surgical in the body in order to relieve from the pain. The symptoms of the sciatica can be detected if any irritation is occurred in the sciatic nerve if any press on the nerve. Sometimes the sciatic nerve pain occurs during the pregnancy period or any internal bleeding or injuries or any other causes in the nerve.

Best treatment for the sciatic nerve pain problem

The best treatment for the sciatic nerve pain is to do meditation or yoga or muscles exercise or acupuncture treatment, some people suffers from sciatic nerve pain have injection of epidural steroid injection which is quick pain relief but it may cause some side effects such as bone density loss so avoid using injection for the sciatic nerve pain.

You can do physical therapy treatment or do some simple sciatic nerve stretches to relive from the pain and also some massage treatment to reduce the pain. If you want to do surgery then you must be 4 to 6 weeks have to be medically treated for someday then you are qualified for the surgery and the pain gets reduced within few days after surgery.

If your suffer from the sciatic nerve pain for short period of time then doctor prescribes you some pain relief or muscles relaxants to reduce the pain, but if the sciatic nerve pain is not reduced then you can prefer the surgery treatment which is the best solution to reduce the pain. There is some herbal meditation devil’s claw which is available to reduce the sciatic nerve pain and it similar to drugs and it is safe for the health but if you suffer from the ulcer or blood thinning problem avoid the herbal treatment which is dangerous to health.

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